Friday 7 November 2014

Online course with Carolyn Baker

It’s still not too late to sign up with this!

Carolyn and Guy will be on together next week.

Relationships in the Age of Ecological Apocalypse

Free First Session Hosted by Carolyn Baker with Linda Bender

Everything in our lives involves some kind of relationship – every interaction, every behavior, every thought or feeling we have. In fact, as Richard Rohr, author of Immortal Diamond writes, “All of creation is relationship.” Carolyn Baker’s forthcoming, 2015 book "Love In The Age of Ecological Apocalypse: Cultivating The Relationships We Need To Thrive," discusses 16 of the myriad relationships humans are capable of forming and demonstrates why they are crucial at this time in our evolution. As catastrophic climate change threatens to eliminate many species, including our own, our relationships may determine how we live our lives and what we value most when we are surrounded with loss and confronted with the possibility of our own demise. This online, interactive course will reveal how we can utilize some of those relationships to help us personally thrive and collectively serve other living beings in an era of decline. We will explore five of those relationships, and will include guest speakers who are known for their expertise on one of the five topics.

By focusing on five specific types of relationships, the course will reconfigure our notion of love and deepen our capacity for relatedness in a time when we may have few resources beyond those within ourselves and in our connections with others.

In this course, you will learn:

-The importance of consciously relating with yourself and the environment for mental, spiritual, and physical wellness

-How to surrender to acts of selflessness that foster community and empowered relationships

-How to stop, listen, and learn from non-human relationships through pets, wildlife and the environment

-How to realize that a relationship is no longer serving us and how to move forward into greater growth

-To come to terms with death, extinction, and darkness to begin a profound process of healing

Session 1 is free for all with special guest, Dr. Linda Bender, "What An Animal You Are!" on Thursday, November 6th at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. We will explore not only our relationships with animals but the animal in each of us. How does our animal essence define us as humans? How has the culture of industrial civilization disowned our animal nature and attempted to domesticate our innate wildness in order to control us and socialize us to become compliant consumers?

Learn more about the course and sign up HERE:

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