Saturday 5 July 2014

Nuclear news - 07/04/2014

Radioactive Reality (04 July 2014) 'Big black hole' where data should be

11:45 PM EST on July 3rd, 2014 | 71 comments
TV: "Growing problem in Fukushima" — "Healthcare workers trying to shed light on a silent killer" — "We're seeing more and more people with physical conditions and diseases" (VIDEO)

02:19 PM EST on July 3rd, 2014 | 155 comments
Top U.S. Official: "The reality is, no technology exists anywhere to solve problem" of Fukushima's melted fuel — TV: Molten mass "will scorch into the earth" if not cooled, a 'China Syndrome'; Geysers of radioactive steam shooting up for miles around (VIDEOS)

05:21 PM EST on July 1st, 2014 | 204 comments
'Very strong' quake hits New Mexico border — Seismic data spikes at WIPP nuke site — Emergency declared at nearest nuclear plant — "Larger magnitude event could still occur" — TV: "Sounded like a train derailed" — "Very rare... Still trying to figure out what caused it... no known fault lines in area" (VIDEOS)

07:41 AM EST on July 1st, 2014 | 209 comments
Gov't Expert: Plutonium is certainly being discharged into Pacific Ocean from Fukushima plant; Flowing out of ruptured containments — TV: Reactor water turns into 'yellowish, fizzing liquid' from damaged fuel rods... "It actually vibrates" (PHOTO & VIDEO)

02:10 PM EST on June 30th, 2014 | 86 comments
Japan Gov't-funded Study: Fukushima has released up to 120 Quadrillion becquerels of radioactive cesium into North Pacific Ocean — Does not include amounts that fell on land — Exceeds Chernobyl total, which accounts for releases deposited on land AND ocean (MAP)

02:57 AM EST on June 29th, 2014 | 245 comments
Study: Fukushima plutonium in playground 60 km from nuclear plant — "Proves that indeed Plutonium has been emitted by the accident" — Some "in the form of fuel fragments"? — Up to 14 Billion Bq of Pu-239 and-240 released (MAP)
12:04 AM EST on June 27th, 2014 | 213 comments

Radiation spikes at WIPP nuclear facility — Hits highest levels since initial hours of radioactive release in February — Document link removed from official website — Gov't analyzing samples for "potential impact on human health"

04:14 PM EST on June 26th, 2014 | 112 comments
Newspaper: Increasing worry on West Coast over Fukushima radiation; "Really concerned" about affect on wildlife and most importantly our health; 'Big black hole' where data should be — Professor: "We do not know full extent... we're just watching the West Coast unfold" — Official: Important we sample for plume — Fish oil being tested

87,100 Bq/Kg from sewage sludge in Fukushima / 3,800 Bq/Kg from Tokyo sewage sludge

11:17 AM EST on June 25th, 2014 | 293 comments
TV: New concerns at Fukushima; Radioactive material "spilling into ocean" from layer 80 feet deep, officials suspect — Jiji: Record high radiation levels at 18 locations between reactors and Pacific; Crisis far from under control (VIDEO)

Fukushima 7/4/14: Radioactive Water & Ice Wall Boondoggle-Tepco Uncertain Of Outcome

Japan adopts 'Grand Design' development plan

Japan's Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry has adopted a blueprint for national development with a target year of 2050. It focuses on linking major cities to increase their competitiveness and building local hubs in rural areas.

The basic plan, called Grand Design, was unveiled on Friday.
It would unify Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka as a super megalopolis by linking the 3 urban areas with a high-speed maglev train line which is expected to go into full service in 2045.

Networks of bullet trains and expressways will also be upgraded and connected with the maglev train line to promote global competitiveness.
The plan also proposes that local cities be connected in blocs with a population of about 300,000. Up to 70 such blocs will be created across the country.

About 5,000 small hubs will be built in regions where communities are scattered to effectively provide basic services, such as health care and education, within walking distances.

Land, infrastructure and transport minister Akihiro Ota stressed that compactness and networking are needed to cope with the rapid shrinkage of population in Japan.

Jul. 4, 2014 - Updated 09:33 UTC

World Bank and Japan compile disaster report

The World Bank has issued a report emphasizing the importance of effective planning and preparedness ahead of possible disasters.

The report, compiled jointly with the Japanese government, focuses on lessons learned from the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan in March 2011.

It gives the example of a Japanese elementary school where pupils escaped the tsunami thanks to repeated preparedness drills and it points out the importance of disaster preparedness education.

The 2011 earthquake halted manufacturing activities in Japan when distribution routes were severed and businesses could not procure parts.

The report calls for making plans ahead of possible disasters so that businesses can continue their activities, even in the aftermath of a disaster.

It also advises the full use of FM broadcasting and smartphones to provide detailed information to disaster-struck regions.

The World Bank, which provides loans to developing countries, stresses that not all disasters can be avoided, but effective planning and preparedness are essential and that the report can help mitigate the impact of disasters.
Jul. 4, 2014 - Updated 02:19 UTC

Decontamination soil bags are already starting to be torn in Fukushima

Fukushima prefect

Fukushima prefecture "All swimming beaches and 14 lake beaches safe enough " / Radiation level not disclosed

Fukushima prefect
Borough chairman in 7km zone declared not to go home

A safe nuclear waste repository is not possible

Thieves in Mexico steal truck with dangerous radioactive load

The long shadow of Chernobyl

State Sets New Limits On Vermont Yankee's Hot Water Releases

Vt. Yankee asked to monitor river warming with samples

NNSA Should Establish a Clear Vision and Path
Forward for Its Security Program

The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry

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