Friday 18 July 2014

More on the Malaysian airlines crash

Via Jon Hellevig: According to this source a Spanish air controller in Kiev says the plane followed by two Ukrainian wsa jets before it was shot down.

Manager: "Two Ukrainian fighters were seen near the plane before it vanished from radar"
Диспетчер: «Два украинских истребителя были замечены рядом с самолетом перед тем, как он исчез с радаров»

18 July, 2014

- When Boeing simply disappeared from radar, the Kiev authorities told us that it crashed. How could they learn it so quickly? writes Carlos in his micro-blog.

In addition, the Spaniard reports that the military supports the fact that the plane was shot down by the Ukrainian side, but "it is not known who exactly gave the order".

Let's remind, Boeing Malaysian airlines carrying out flight Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur for 50 km to the entry into the air space of Russia, began to decline, later he was found burning on the ground in Ukraine.

This video made a prognosis of an attempted assassination on Putin, a "ritual event," based on Legarde's "code within the code."

MH-17 was diverted from its normal flight path

A video that shows even better how much was the flight path of MH17 changed in comparison with its previous usual route so that the new one put directly over the war zone and, moreover, over the area with encircled Ukrainian troops. From 0:40

Statement from Igor Strelkov

17.07.2014. Заявление пресс-службы ЛНР.

"Малазийский лайнер был сбит украинским штурмовиком

Воздушное пространство над Луганской и Донецкой Республиками закрыто правительством Украины.

Нарушение малазийским лайнером могло произойти по двум причинам: 1) провокация со стороны Украины; 2) ошибка диспетчера.

Любое судно по нормативным актам должно быть сбито ПВО страны, чье воздушное пространство оно нарушило.

Очевидцы, наблюдавшие полет пассажирского самолета Боинг 777, наблюдали атаку на него штурмовика ВВС Украины. После чего пассажирский самолет раскололся на две части в воздухе и упал на территории ДНР. После атаки украинский штурмовик был сбит и упал на территории ЛНР в районе Красного Луча. На данный момент ведутся поиски сбитого самолета".

17.07.2014. The statement of the press service LNR.

"Malaysian airliner was shot down by a Ukrainian stormtrooper

The airspace over the Luhansk and Donetsk Republics closed by the government of Ukraine.

Violation of the Malaysian ship could happen for two reasons: 1) the provocation on the part of Ukraine; 2) the error Manager.

Any vessel on normative acts should be shot down by air defense of the country, whose air space it broke.

Witnesses who observed the flight of passenger plane Boeing 777, witnessed the attack on him attack aircraft of the air force of Ukraine. After that the passenger plane was split into two parts in the air and fell on DND. After the attack Ukrainian bomber was shot down and fell on LNR in the area of Krasyni Luch'. At the moment we are searching for downed aircraft".

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