Tuesday 8 July 2014

Fukushima radiation


Via Facebook (A Green Road)
8 July, 2014

What about the #1, 2 or 3 spent fuel pool, which each contained over 1,000 assemblies, thecommon spent fuel pool which had 6,000 assemblies and of course units5 and 6 which had core assemblies and spent fuel as well. It's apretty good bet that at least some of that has melted as well."

80% of Fukushima radiation released went over the ocean, and 20% was deposited on land inside Japan, out of that total. "Dr. MichioKaku, a world renowned CUNY theoretical physicist pointed out on CNNMarch 18, 2011, Chernobyl involved one reactor and only 57.6 Tons ofthe reactor core that went into the atmosphere. In dramatic contrast,the Fukushima Daiichi disaster immediately involved six reactors andan IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency, a UN Agency) documented2,800 Tons of highly radioactive reactor cores.

The only question is, how much of this 2,800 tons of radioactive materialended up going into the air and ocean? If Chernobyl released 57 tons,then wouldn't you agree that the 3 to 5 melted down and out reactorswould release at least 3 times more than Chernobyl? Now add the spentfuel pools and it starts looking really, really bad.

As oneadds on the multiple orders of magnitude more tons of spent nuclearfuel in the spent fuel pools, it makes Fukushima much worse thananything humanity has seen before. Let's look at this disaster in away that the nuclear industry does not like to bring attention to,shall we? This evidence is directly from the scientific studies thatthe pro nuclear scientists are putting out.....

Via james MarkAnthony Taylor "Each one of units 1, 2, and 3 had approximately500 fuel assemblies in them. (unit 1 was a little less than 500, 2,3, and 4 all hold 548 if my memory is correct. Unit 4 had beenunloaded at the time of the accident) Each fuel assembly is a matrixof 12 foot long fuel rods, I think 10 x10 rods and weighsapproximately a ton, about half being the heavy fuel encased inzirconium shells.

So, somewhere around 750 tons (500assemblies x 3 reactors x 1 ton x 1/2 nuke fuel) of fuel was lost tothe environment when the cores of 1, 2, and 3 exploded or melted out.Probably another 250 tons was lost when whatever burned and explodedout of the #4 equipment pool. That get's you to my 2,000,000+ poundsnumber. We also know that at least some of the fuel in the spent fuelpools has melted down - as underwater camera views have shown someburned assemblies in the #4 pool. Is there any evidence that amassive amount of radiation came out of Fukushima?

The answer is YES!

Event Peak Radiation Reading In Bq/m³

2,400 Nuclear weapons testing peak - 100 Bq/m³
Chernobyl caused a peakreading of - 1,000 Bq/m³
Fukushima caused a peak reading of -180,000,000 Bq/m³


Chernobyl was around tentimes worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

Fukushima wasaround 180,000 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

2014- Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open AirNuclear Bomb Tests; via@AGreenRoad

It could be that Fukushima was not responsible for this total peakreading, but rather, multiple other nuclear reactors in Japan alsomelted down and caused this high peak reading, so it is really areflection of the total coverup of the scale and scope of this meganuclear disaster and the lack of true, meaningful information comingout of Japan. But this one comparison serves to accurately frame howreally bad the 3/11 mega nuclear disaster really was.


According to a Japan Nuclear Agency, 14reactors at 4 sites were affected by the earthquake. FukushimaDaiichi was NOT the only one that leaked radioactive substances.Daichi also released massive amounts of radiation, but that has beeneffectively covered up. Many nuclear plants were negatively affected,such as Daini, Onagawa, and Tokai. How much damage did they sustain,and how much radiation did they release? The pro nuclear 'experts'will not go here. They will not even discuss or acknowledge thissimple, basic fact.

On 3/11; 15 Nuclear Reactors In JapanWere Damaged, Not 3 or 4; via A Green Road

A simple calculation will explain the huge story that is behind thenuclear industry radioactive glowing wall of secrecy. Just onenuclear or hydrogen bomb open air explosion releases about 2-10pounds of highly dangerous, life and health destroying radioactivesubstances that circulate around the globe for tens of thousands ofyears.

2400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998;via A GreenRoad

Upto the point where people became outraged enough to ban open airtesting of nuclear weapons, due to the catastrophic rise in geneticdiseases, cancers and birth defects all around the world, over 2,400nuclear bombs had been set off. How much in total pounds ofradioactive elements was released into the world 'backgroundradiation' pool due to all of this 'testing'?

There are 2,000pounds in a ton. Let's multiply 2,400 nuclear bombs X a veryconservative 3 pounds each = 7,200 pounds of 1,200 man made longlived radioactive and life destroying substances released in total tothe globe. But using a figure of 10 pounds per bomb, the total risesto 24,000 pounds. Dividing 7,200 by 2,000 pounds tells us thatbetween 3.6 to 11 tons of plutonium, uranium and other radioactiveelements were released by all of these nuclear bombs.

Thesebombs were spread out over a span of several generations, so theradiation dose was diluted by both time and distance across theworld. Is it any wonder that the raising the background radiationglobally by a huge amount.

Background Radiation Has Increased600 Percent - 1 mSv In 1950 To over 6 mSv In 2014; Where Is ThisComingFrom?

The3 - 10 tons of 1,200 or so man made radioactive elements from the2,400 open air nuclear tests can still be measured all around theworld in the soil, air, and oceans. These poisonous elements areconstantly and forever being concentrated as they travel up the foodchain to people, who are at the top of the food pyramid. Theseradioactive elements will continue to do this for millions of years,until all of these 1,200 plus man made radioactive elements totallydecay away.

Radioactive strontium can still be easilymeasured in the bones and teeth of everyone alive today, with theproper testing equipment. Measuring the radiation in baby teeth isone way of measuring the body burden of strontium in the body forexample.

These 2,400 nuclear tests were enough to cause aHUGE rise in deaths, diseases and genetic problems, which has largelybeen covered up and denied by both the nuclear and the medicalindustry. The medical industry is constantly clamoring for more moneyto 'study' the problem of what causes cancer. They have no clue whatcauses all of these cancers, supposedly, but they are absolutely surethat all of the rise in cancers and all of the other diseases hasNOTHING to do with the tons and tons of radioactive elements releasedinto the environment globally. Did you think that doctors were moreintelligent than you? It might be time for your to change your mind.We still have not talked about the releases of radiation from nuclearpower plants, nuclear accidents and releases from mines, reproccesingfacilities and more.

A full scale nuclear war TODAY, wouldmean around 10,000 nuclear bombs set off globally, resulting in alife extinction event, with practically NO HUMAN life possible afterthat. A full scale nuclear war would release not only the radiationin those bombs; it would also cause the meltdown and release of allradiation in spent fuel pools and nuclear power plants globally, andthere are over 400 of those, containing hundreds if not thousands ofTONS of radioactive elements. Of course the pro nuclear folks believehumans can live through a nuclear war and survive with no problemafter that, since radiation is so safe and harmless.

However,just ONE nuclear power plant accident involving a naked and exposedspent fuel pool can release this same amount of radiation and do theexact same thing as a global nuclear war, or worse. The melt down andmelt out of just one nuclear plants and it's spent fuel pool wouldmean approximately 100 tons total of highly radioactive materialwould be released from the reactor core, and another 1,00 tons couldbe released from the spent fuel pool.

Essentially, releasing1,4000 TONS of highly radioactive nuclear material into the air meansthat all life could be extinguished on Earth. Remember that 2,400nuclear bombs only released 3 to 10 tons of radioactive elements intothe Earth since the 1940's. Now try to imagine what happens whenmultiple reactors and spent fuel pools all melt down and out at thesame time, as was the case at Fukushima.

Numerous nuclearaccidents have happened many times since the beginning of the atomicage. Most of these accident s were either completely or mostlycovered up and were not even reported, until OTHER COUNTRIESexperienced the leaking radiation. For example, other countriesforced the Soviets to disclose the Chernobyl accident, and then theSoviets under Gorbachev were forced to take action and evacuatepeople, many days later, after everyone had been exposed to the worstradiation that comes out initially. This same pattern of denial,refusal to help people, and a cover up of what happened is the 'rule'for every nuclear disaster, not the exception. Most pro nuclearapologists will only admit to 3 nuclear plant meltdowns, but thetruth is that 10 times are documented, and this is just a drop in thebucket, because most of these nuclear accidents are treated as statesecrets, never to be disclosed.

List Of All 30+ GlobalNuclear Reactor Melt Downs; via@AGreenRoad

AtChernobyl, approximately 1 million people were pressed into serviceto to try and keep the melted corium from reaching groundwater, andthis effort was successful. If this had not been done, the entirecontinent of Europe would probably have been lost and beuninhabitable for tens of thousands of years.

ChernobylCoverup And Denial Of 1 Million + Casualties; via A GreenRoad

TheChernobyl Sacrifice; 1 MILLION Liquidators; via A GreenRoad

Chernobylonly had ONE reactor blow up with a steam explosion. Shortly afterthat a hydrogen gas fueled explosion happened, followed by an out ofcontrol nuclear fire composed of burning graphite, uranium and otherradioactive elements. This fire burned for many days, as the Sovietgovernment tried to put it out by dumping millions of pounds of sand,boron, and lead via helicopter on the burning corium. The corium thatwas not ejected out of the core with the 2 explosions heated up toover 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit. The fuel rods melted down and out ofthe reactor container, flowing down like lava into the basementsunder the reactor itself, where they can still be seentoday.

Compared to Chernobyl, Fukushima had at least 3 andpossibly 5 nuclear reactors that melted down, melted through and outand had buildings that literally blew up. Numerous buildings blew upand and numerous spent fuel pools melted down, caught on fire, and #3experienced a non hydrogen nuclear explosion, (or as the experts callit, a 'prompt criticality'). AGRP will call this a nuclear explosion, because it ejected the contents of whatever it was that blew up outinto the air, and spread fuel fragments for mile around. Theradioactive plume then went down over Tokyo and then around theworld. Yes, #3 was not an atomic bomb, but the result of what cameout of just #3 is actually much worse by many orders of magnitude,than any nuclear bomb would have been.

As the FukushimaDaichi reactors and spent fuel pools melted down and/or burned, theyreleased massive amounts of radioactive material that turned intoinvisible gases such as Iodine and Xenon, which then went around theworld.

Yet, little or none of this is even admitted, much lessbeing reported by the official pro nuclear 'experts' because theirpaycheck and position in the industry depends on them not disclosingthis. Anyone not toeing the line and finding that Fukushima was morethan 10% of Chernobyl, loses their source of funding, their jobpotential in the industry or they are fired.

The money chokehold in the nuclear industry controls the 'acceptable' results inscientific research and what is reported officially through bothnational and international nuclear 'agencies', such as the IAEA, WHO,UNSCEAR and NRC, just to name a few. It is easy to control the flowof information, because there are so few nuclear experts globally.For more about this corruption and deception, click on link....

Art and Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%

Themoney choke hold is why almost all nuclear 'experts' will keep sayingthat Fukushima released no more than 10% of Chernobyl. Because thenuclear industry toes the glowing radioactive line, this alsoexplains why the mass media is so silent about the Fukushima meganuclear disaster. Through massive advertising budgets and noinvestigative reporters, the nuclear industry effectively controlsthe mass media reports about Fukushima as well.

There noinvestigative journalists and nuclear experts from other countries researching these damaged or destroyed and melted down Fukushimanuclear plants and their associated spent fuel pools. Reportersmerely repeat what they are fed by TEPCO. No independent outsideneutral nuclear agency exists to demand answers and accountability.The nuclear agencies that do exist are all more or less 'captured' orcorrupted organizations, who are mostly biased or totally corruptedby the profit motivated nuclear industry through the money and powerties of the global nuclear industry.

Why is there still nodefinite answer about the current state of these 14 reactors and 14or more spent fuel pools at all of these nuclear power plants,approximately 3 years (2014) after the mega nuclear disasterhappened?

Where are the coriums that melted out of thebuildings and containments, and what are they doing today? Thenuclear industry does not want to know where they are, so as oftoday, no one knows where the coriums are, and no one cares to know,despite being able to do so within a month or less.

AfterChernobyl, a whole team of nuclear scientists were assigned the taskof finding out what happened to the corium by the then Sovietgovernment. These scientists found the Chernobyl melted out coriumfairly quickly, with many of them sacrificing their lives in theprocess due to the extremely high doses of radiation that theyreceived.

In Japan on the other hand, no one has been assignedthe job, no one is interested, and there is no goal of ever evenfinding out where they are. It is very easy to conclude that there isa huge coverup around the Fukushima mega nuclear accident, because ifit was known what happened here, it would cause all nuclear powerplants to be shut down immediately. The evidence of the cover uparound Fukushima in great detail is available via the followinglink.

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science of Deception

This article will start answering the question about how much totalradiation was released by Fukushima, broken down by categories. Ifyou have anything to add, feel free to add to the information foundhere in the comments section, or by contacting AGRP directly, via thewebsite contact page at www.agreenroadproject.org

Event Peak RadiationReading In Bq/m³

2,400 Nuclear weapons testing peak - 100Bq/m³
Chernobyl caused a peak reading of - 1,000 Bq/m³
Fukushimacaused a peak reading of - 180,000,000 Bq/m³


Chernobyl was around ten times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

Fukushima was around 180,000 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

2014 - Fukushima Ocean RadiationCompared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via@AGreenRoad

Thescientists will not go to the above conclusion, and the best they cando is to admit that Fukushima released 10 to 100 times more radiationthan Chernobyl, into the ocean, as per Ken Buessler below.

In October, a U.S. study – co-authored by oceanographer Ken Buesseler,a senior scientist at the non-profit Woods Hole OceanographicInstitution in Woods Hole, Mass., – reported Fukushima Daichi alonecaused history’s biggest-ever release of radiation into the ocean –10 to 100 times more than the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe.”

Fukushima;Pacific Ocean Catastrophe Confirmed; via A GreenRoad


FukushimaLeaking Radioactive Water Into Ocean Plume; via A GreenRoad

Ofcourse, the radiation releases from the melted out coriums continuethrough leaks from the basements of Fukushima. The radiation releasesfrom the Fukushima site is only getting worse over time, and theradiation amounts per liter of water are only going up, from 3/11 topresent day. There is no total amount of radiation released yet,because the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster is not over yet and theout of control release of radiation is still happening from theFukushima plant, with unknown amounts ending up in the ocean. Theamount being released is being totally covered up, largely due topressure from the nuclear industry, and the complicity of the massmedia and the Japanese government, which passed a secrecy law, makingit illegal to talk about nuclear disasters.

ComparingContaminated Zones Around Chernobyl And Fukushima Ocean RadiationReleased; via A Green Road

Thenuclear explosion at Unit #3 spent fuel pool blew uranium andplutonium pellets as well as particles, dust and melted fuel in aradius of up to 3 kilometers. Since the plant sits right next to theocean, much of this highly radioactive fuel went into the ocean. ThatMOX fuel is sitting on the bottom of the Pacific ocean, radiating allof the ocean water that is going by, plus all of the sea life.

Whatreally happened at Fukushima? via A Green Road

High-levelradiation found over 300 km stretch off Fukushima ..
May 28, 2011... For more information see: Fukushima I Nuke Plant: HighConcentration of Radioactive Cesium in the Ocean Soil in300-Kilometer Strip Along ...

Chernobylexpert: Fukushima is “largest delivery of radiation into the ...Sep29, 2011 ... "When we saw the numbers — hundreds of millionsof becquerels — we knew this was the largest delivery of radiationinto the ocean ever ...

Scientists:Radioactivity in sea NOT falling off — Hypothesis says ...Sep 29,2011 ... The scientists had expected to find ocean radiation levelsfalling off sharply after a few months. "Rather than levelingoff toward zero, ...

Groundwatera likely source for continued flow of radiation into ocean. Dec 8,2011 ... Groundwater a likely source for continued flow of radiationinto ocean — “ Complete melt through” so “not surprising”discharges continue, says...

AP:Radiation contamination detected 400 miles from Fukushima...Radiation detected 400 miles off Japanese coast. Source: ... hasbeen detected as far as almost 400 miles off Japan in the PacificOcean, ...

JapanGov't Data: 65% of marine life test positive for cesium Jan 15, 2012... It meant the ocean wasn't diluting the radiation as expected. Ifit had been, cesium levels would have kept falling. The findingsuggested ...

Thereis also the matter of what happened to the nuclear fuel that gotblown out of Fukushima Reactor and/or spent fuel pool #3.

Theradiation from these highly radioactive rod pieces is entering theocean even to this day, polluting and contaminating the oceancurrents going by Fukushima, for potentially millions of years.

Theauthorities cemented over the underwater part of the man made bayright next to the plant, so this cut down on the amount of radiationreleased from these highly radioactive pieces of fuel rod toxicity.Until the pieces of rods blown out into the ocean beyond the bay areall found, gathered up and properly stored away from all livingthings, they will probably continue to cause problems with oceanradiation for tens of thousands of years, if not millions of yearsinto the future.

Could these fuel rods be the reason for thehigh radiation readings found by very recent ocean monitoring 20-400miles off the coast of Fukushima?

The rivers all up and downJapan are also adding unknown radioactive amounts to the ocean, asradiation washes down the rivers from the mountains and farms fromall over Japan. The Japanese are also burning radioactive debris allover Japan, and this airborne radiation source also ends up in theocean. Radioactive ashes are dumped into Tokyo Bay, and reports havealso come in about radioactive soil and debris being dumped into therivers.

Recently, TEPCO got permission to dump radioactivewater into the Pacific, instead of storing it on site.

Bottomline, groundwater, rivers, bits of spent fuel rods and airborneradiation that ends up in the ocean continues to release massiveamounts of radiation into the Pacific on a constant, never endingbasis.

The Pacific ocean was already dying from globalwarming, acidification, and marine pollution such as plastic andchemicals. This just puts another stress on the ocean, which willcause the death spiral to accelerate even faster and further.



According to the ICRP, the Fukushima'accident' released 73.47 BILLION lethal doses (by inhalation) AND15.53 BILLION lethal doses by ingestion, with over 88.00 BILLIONtotal lethal doses of alpha radiation released.

FukushimaSpewing Equivalent of 112 Hiroshima Nuclear Bombs Worth of RadiationEvery Hour; via A GreenRoad


Dr.Paolo Scampa Reports That Fukushima Released 3,000 Billion LethalDoses Of Radiation; via A GreenRoad

TheFukushima disaster has proved that nuclear industry should becontrolled only by the state and not by private companies. Theoutcome of this tragedy has turned even worse than it was inChernobyl. Graphite which was part of the reactor`s core, burnt outand vanished in the atmosphere. But at Fukushima the reactor`s coremelted.” The Voice OfRussia

"Regardingthe radioactive noble gas Xenon‐133, the results indicate anemission of 16700 Peta‐Becquerel (1 Becquerel is one radioactivedecay per second, 1 Peta‐Becquerel equals 1015 Bq). This is thelargest civilian noble gas release in history, exceeding theChernobyl noble gas release by a factor of2.5|"


According to one expert who actually included the #3 reactorand spent fuel pool blowing up:” under the Conservative Estimate,and using .89% Plutonium per Table 1, this would be 640 pounds ofPlutonium aerosolized.”

It only takes about 1 - 200 poundsof plutonium dust distributed globally to kill everyone on theplanet, if distributed equally. This very dangerous radioactiveplutonium release has been totally covered up, with very good reason.Of course, this radioactive air release is still going on, despiteclaims of ‘cold shutdown’. If the #3 reactor was used as abreeder reactor, then up to a TON (2,000 pounds) of plutonium mayhave been blown sky high.

How Dangerous Is 400-600 Pounds OfPlutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via A GreenRoad

HotParticles (Fuel Fleas) From Fukushima Continue To Circulate Globally;via A GreenRoad

FukushimaNano Bucky Balls Weaponized With Uranium, Plutonium, And Cesium; viaA GreenRoad

TEPCOdoes not know where the melted through 65 ton corium blobs are fromANY of the other Fushima Daichi reactors 1-5. ALL spent fuel poolsand reactors at Fukushima are OPEN TO THE AIR since 3/11. Some ofthese spent fuel pools melted down either partially or completely,which means radiation is coming out of melted corium, ongoingcriticalities, etc. So it is not over yet. #4 spent fuel pool is indanger of collapsing..

Is Fukushima really in cold shutdown? via A Green Road

ExFukushima Engineer Confesses; No Cold Shutdown, Warned of Tsunami 20Yrs Ago; via A Green Road


RadioactiveSmoke/Steam Coming Out Of Ground At Fukushima 2.28.2012; via A GreenRoad

Rememberthat it only takes 30 tons of nuclear material released into the airglobally to extinguish all life on the planet, via a global nuclearwar. How many tons did Fukushima release?

A recentlydisclosed Tepco documentation indicates total emissions estimates ofboth plutonium 239 and neptunium 239 for the first 100 hours of thecatastrophe. This leaked Tepco document [19] suggests a release of1.2 trillion bq of PLUTONIUM - p-238,p-239,p-240 and p-241collectively and 76 trillion bq of NEPTUNIUM - Np-239 within thefirst 100 hours of the catastrophe”

Butthe disaster is still beginning. The Japanese are burning nuclearwaste materials from Fukushima and spreading that radiation all overJapan via airborne emissions.

Dr Nakayama MD - JapanContaminating Everyone By Burning High Level Radioactive Waste,100,000 Bq/kg via@AGreenRoad


JapanSuffered 3 Mega Disasters, Now Suffering From 4th Mega NuclearDisaster, USA Will Be Next; via@AGreenRoad



Question about totalradiation … at Fukushima


Afterthe tsunami and reactor meltdowns at Fukushima, they ran out of freshcooling water, so they brought in a huge amount of water via a barge,that was then used up, and filled with radioactive waste water comingout of the reactors. The Japanese injected 10-15m³ per hour of freshor sea water at 8 points in 4 reactors plus 4 spent fuel pools. It isnow down the road several years. The total amount of water injectedcalculates out roughly to 300 day`s x 24 hours x 30000- 50000 litersper day. By these calculations, what is the total amount of waterused?

"The tanks were installed to contain an increasingamount of water with …radioactive substances. About 1,000 tankscontain an estimated 120,000 tons of contaminated water.“ http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/T120227004796.htm

InONE YEAR, TEPCO accumulated 1,000 tanks with 120,000 tons of water.If this keeps on going like this for thirty years, that will mean30,000 tanks... Are they all earthquake proof? How long will theylast? How much radiation is in those? What happens if they leak? Arethey guarded? What happens if a terrorist blows up some of them, or aplane crashes into them?


Whatis their volume, and what kind of radiation does this water contain?There is one estimate of beta radiation in at least one tank… Jiji:5 billion becquerels of beta radiation in 10 liters of decontaminatedwater — Includes strontium and cesium January 10, 2012

Nikkei:Two sieverts/hr of beta radiation emitted from a single liter ofleaked water


So how much radiation does that calculate out to onsite in these storagetanks, given the above facts?

A worker at Fukushima disclosedthat the tanks were built with no warranty and were designed to lastonly one year. At the one year point, the site contained 1,000 tanks.At the two years point, how many additional 'temporary' tanks wereadded? Two years in, reports come in almost daily about leakingtanks. This problem will get much worse.

How long can theycontinue to do this? They cannot release any cooling water to theocean, because the reactor cores are all leaking and the coolingwater is coming in direct contact with melted corium, which it is notsupposed to be doing in a normal reactor.

Everything runningthrough the reactors and/or spent fuel pools is highly radioactive.Plus, all of the Rube Goldberg plastic pipes are leakingcontinuously, and the tanks are leaking as well.

Tepco: Newleak releasing enough beta rays to cause radiation sickness —Leakage in at least 30 locations found recently....


10Lof water leakage “500,000Bq/cm3, Fukushima Diary, Jan. 10,2012:

*Water leaking from the tank to storage abandoned salty water afterpurifying system of highly contaminated water

* It was 10 Litersleak
* It’s supposed to contained a portion of radionuclidessuch as Cesium or Strontium, which is 500,000 Bq/cm3

Conversion:500,000 Bq/cm3 = 500,000 Bq/ml = 500,000,000 Bq/liter = 5,000,000,000Bq in 10 Liters of water
FIVE BILLION Bq/10 liters

They say this will continue for 30-40 years. Our bet is that they will runout of room and money in several years. Realistically, how long canthey continue this process before they are overwhelmed with highlyradioactive water?

Over 100,000 tons of highly radioactivewater is in the basements of DAINI, which is down the road fromDAICHI about ten miles. Bet you never heard about that either. .

As of 6/2013 the tanks are no longer accumulating water. Newtanks are not being built, where the original projections were thatthey would have to build 1,000 tanks per year to handle the 'leaking'water from the reactors.

The total amount of water on site intanks is decreasing, not accumulating. Despite what TEPCO claims,they are dumping everything into the ocean or evaporating it via thehigh temperature incinerator building, and the clampdown plus secrecyact is preventing any news about this from escaping.

The TEPCO page above shows a couple of things. First, the reactors areall leaking directly from very 'hot' core material inside thereactors directly into several reactor buildings basements, marked inred (liquid). These reactor buildings are connected via undergroundconnecting pipes, tubes and channels to other buildings on the site,and to the ocean. Since all building foundations are damaged andcracked, this highly radioactive liquid leaks out of these channels,basements, tubes and cracks into the groundwater, which then goes tothe ocean. Of course, TEPCO does not show that part, as that would beconsidered a 'harmful rumor'.

This highly radioactive liquidfrom the building basements is then pumped through a number of otherbuildings, and an evaporation building, and then it is put back intothe reactor within multiple buildings. What happens to all of thewater that leaks out of these buildings, with cracked up basements?That is not shown in the very neat picture above. At the abovewebsite address, the figures also show that the TOTAL amount of wateron site being stored has been dropping over the last three months,maybe much longer. There are no new tanks being build anymore threeyears into this mega disaster. Why not? Nothing has changed as far asthe leaks, the amount of water they are pouring over the brokenreactors and the amount that is leaking out of them. The undergroundcoriums are still there, contaminating all the groundwater they arein contact with.

The leaks from the basements, the leaks fromthe reactors, the leaks from the tanks, all continue on without anyattempt to stop them. The underground coriums continue to interactwith the groundwater, and that highly radioactive water continues toflow into the ocean, non stop. There is no attempt to even find outwhere they are. As of 2014, things are getting much worse and aregoing backward, as far as what is going into the Pacificocean.



UNKNOWN -There are no estimates, no one is studying it, no one is monitoringit. So far, no one seems to care.

There are two mainconcerns. First, the 3 or more melted100 ton blobs of highlyradioactive corium went out of the 1-3 reactor buildings and they arenow underground, in contact with groundwater.

The Fukushimasite is turning out to be much like Hanford with all of its cover-upsand secret spills, leaks, and underground aquifer contamination.

Mainichi: Radiation detected in drinking water fromunderground ...Dec 26, 2011 ... Mainichi: Radiation detected indrinking water from underground source — Over 15 miles fromFukushima meltdowns ...

GermanRadiation Expert: No way to stop nuclear fuel that's melted ... Dec4, 2011 ... German Radiation Expert: No way to stop nuclear fuelthat's melted-through — Can only pray it does not touch undergroundwater vein (VIDEO) ...

NHK,Tepco finally confirm steam came up from underground Oct 17, 2011 ...1 detected radiation of 4.7 Sv/hr, almost a 20% increase over June's... "It is assumed that melted fuel rods are sinking deepunderground, ...


NO ONE is counting the total of ALL OF THE ABOVE. No one iscounting or tracking ongoing radiation releases. We are NOT countingwhat is in the large radioactive water storage tanks on site.

NOONE is counting radioactive water that went underground. NO ONE iscounting the radiation released from and still being released intothe air, groundwater and ocean from the two nuclear explosions at #3reactor and spent fuel pool.. Both of these sources of radiationrelease have way more tonnage of highly dangerous Plutonium andUranium MOX fuel.

MOX fuel is about 1 million times moredangerous than plain old Chernobyl style fuel, and this MOX fuel wentup into the air and down into the ground, where the coriums areleaking their radiation into the ocean, directly.. This FACT is NOTin any calculations or guesses, as far as how much radiation is goinginto the ocean, but the amounts are massive and will go on forever.


Under- Reporting Of Fukushima Radiation

Cesium has beenfound at 1,000 times higher concentrations in places like Tokyo thanthe air concentration at the peak of nuclear weapons testingfallout.. This is serious fallout, but is being ignored by Japaneseauthorities, who are looking only at exterior dose rates, and nothingelse. For more information about radiation levels in Tokyo Japan,click on the following link.

Tokyo; Is It Safe To Visit or Live In?

Thereis a very serious radioactive contamination in Tokyo. There was aplace in Tokyo that has higher levels of radiation than in theChernobyl exclusion zone, but Japan is covering this up completely.

AGRP has not seen any counts yet,that total ALL radioactive emissions from FUKU, based on realisticscenarios. NO actual data from monitoring equipment has been releasedyet.

The dangers from just ONE spent fuel pool at FukushimaDaichi that is in very serious trouble, boggles the mind. If SpentFuel Pool #4 falls over, it will cause a cascade effect that may verywell result in the extinction of all life on the planet.

Again, mostmass media news outlets are not covering this danger and Japan'sinaction around it.

Fukushima Reactor 4; Global LifeExtinction Event If It Collapses; via A GreenRoad

This nuclear disaster site is threatening the world's population, but (sofar) no other world government seems to be interested in learningwhat the truth is, or even in helping to control and clean up thesituation there. Much could be done, but so far, very little is beingdone.

There are NO battery or solar powered communitycontrolled radiation monitors downwind, and none on the ‘vent’stacks at any of the 400 nuclear power plants around the world, eventoday. All nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants are nuclearbombs, barely controlled and slowed down by 'experts'.

MultipleNuclear Reactors Bombed; All Nuclear Reactors ARE Bombs; via A GreenRoad


Anynuclear plant can quickly turn into a disaster that makes a wholecountry uninhabitable. A nuclear disaster can and does cause thecollapse of an entire countries economy.

Gorbachev; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Was Real Cause Of The Collapse of Soviet Union; viaA GreenRoad


FukushimaCrisis Total Cost $1 - $10 TRILLION Dollars; via A Green Road

Whenaccidents happen, what typically happens is that these monitors'fail' or turn off. Thus, no one can really tell how much radiationwas released, and the company can claim it was 'only a small amount',because no one can prove otherwise.

Lists of nuclear disastersand radioactive incidents; via A GreenRoad 

How much radiation has been released from Fukushima into:



On site water storage tanks

Airover ocean, all nuclear materials, not just 2 out of 100

JapaneseGroundwater under plant

Sprayed radioactive water on forests

Soil all over Japan

Radioactive water from Fukushima,put in tanker ships, and then taken or dumped where????


Dust emissions

Nuclear explosion(s)emissions and dust from MOX fuel

Hydrogen explosionsemissions

Emissions coming from spent fuel pools

Radioactive releases from criticalities in spent fuel poolsand/or hydrogen and/or nuclear explosions

Emissions going upvent stacks at all reactors 1-5 after 3/11?

Radioactivematerials and gases thrown out of dozens of high level radioactivewaste incinerators all across Japan

Radioactive ashes dumpedinto Tokyo Bay, rivers, etc.

Radioactive river and lake waterflowing into ocean

Ongoing emissions into air, water, seeabove

NO ONE has yet even attempted to TOTAL ALL OF THE ABOVE,much less what is STILL COMING OUT OF FUKUSHIMA TODAY…

Reporting anything less is NOT SCIENTIFIC. Those who have declared with greatcertainty that Fukushima is only 10% of Chernobyl are making hugefools of themselves and their reputations, because there is noaccurate and completely scientific information about the total amountof radiation that has come out of Fukushima from 3/11 to present day.The scientists that use 'computer models' to downplay this megadisaster are

This mega disaster with 3 China Syndrome coriumsis just starting, and it will get worse from here. Follow the dramaand see how it will play out, despite the huge global coverup in progress. Mother Nature has a way of teaching lessons. It may takeawhile, but AGRP believes that the truth will eventually come out viathe consequences that will affect human, animal and plant populationsnot just in Japan, but all around the world. AGRP just hopes that thetruth comes out and this sad situation is dealt with.

Why isn't TEPCO even trying to find the 'missing' coriums?

2014Update - Total Fukushima Radiation Released Into Ocean, Air,Groundwater, Storage Tanks, etc

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